Need a little inspiration to write the content of the HOME page of your financial planner website? If so, here are questions for you to answer that can help get you started.
USP (unique selling proposition)
- How will you stand out from your rivals? What services or products are you offering on your financial website that are not available elsewhere?
Make It Personal
- What prompted the start of your financial organization? Sharing the personal side of your business will help you connect with people on a personal level and you will have a stronger impact than if your business is a faceless entity. Ask your customers about problems they are facing and how your financial website can help them in reaching a solution. Sharing factual information about market statistics can also be helpful.
- Who is the owner of your financial firm? Share their story and history on your financial advisor website by talking about the owner’s journey to starting their business.
Create a Brand Identity
Talk about the service/product you offer and explain why clients should do business with your financial firm. Remember that your brand will reflect your objectives, which in turn will persuade your target audience why they should choose you over your competitors.
- What does the product/service on your financial website portray?
- What values does your financial organization stand for?
- What do you want people to feel after visiting your website for financial planners?
Write a Marketing Statement
To help you write your marketing statement and flush out your brand identity, ask yourself these questions:
- Our potential customers need ______ and we can help them by ______________.
- We provide expertise in the way of _____________ and it can solve these customer problems: ______________
- Our financial website can provide the following resources to current and potential customers: ____________
- In the end, our financial advisors website can benefit our customers by _______________ and make them feel ______ after working with us.
Suggested Tag Line for Your Financial Planner Website
- Experts in _____ (main area of expertise)
Audio / Video
- Using multimedia can be effective in connecting with your audience. Have you thought about making your financial professional website more personal by uploading a video, photo, or audio featuring your company founder or staff? What topics can you cover in the video?
Visuals / Images/ Photos
- What kind of impact do you want to generate on the minds of visitors who come to your website when they view it? Overall, how do you want the financial website to look for visitors?
Show Your Fees – Prices
Educate your prospective clients about fees. Prospects appreciate transparency. Prospects are more likely to contact you by your demonstration of transparency. Show a range of pricing, or your typical client fees, so that your prospective clients know what to expect.
Show Results
If you can, provide some client success stories or a portfolio that shows your work product.
Provide Useful Information
Prospects land on your website because they are looking for solutions to their problems. Help by educating them on solutions to typical problems they might be facing. Create helpful content, such as blog articles, FAQs (frequently asked questions), a free ebook or checklists or links to books or articles that provide relevant information to your prospect.